In this blog post, we’re discussing the concept of infrastructure monitoring and how practical this is for cloud-hosted services such as DaaS (Desktop-as-a-Service). By deploying your desktop environment externally, in most cases, you are making use of the infrastructure monitoring of your cloud provider. Some may look at this as an added benefit, but it’s instead an absolute must for MSPs (Managed service providers) to have in place so that customers are utilizing a safe and efficient cloud space.
Cloud computing
When talking about infrastructure monitoring, we need to address the sort of infrastructure we are looking after in this instance. Cloud computing is the technical capability that server technology has to support cloud-based services such as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), or DaaS. The way cloud computing works to provide these services is by provisioning data, applications, and platform service to customers, without requiring them to build and maintain the infrastructure itself. Whether you decide to keep your data on public, private, or a hybrid cloud, it is up to the individual preference and data protection policies of the company. One way or another, using cloud computing solutions such as the ones provided by we-IT, requires meticulous infrastructure monitoring by dedicated IT staff.
Why is infrastructure monitoring a good idea?
Infrastructure monitoring comes as the second most important step after cloud migration. Before you start to think about the efficiency of your cloud solution, you need to consider all the added benefits from deploying and managing your apps, or your entire desktop environment from a third-party cloud vendor. First and foremost is better scalability and broader network access. Outsourcing the whole service, along with the infrastructure monitoring gives your company a big head start, without having to overspend on expensive hardware and other CapEx.
What is infrastructure monitoring for cloud-hosted services?
Cloud computing and infrastructure monitoring walk hand in hand. When shopping around for cloud desktop solutions, the customer must make an informed choice based on the infrastructure capacity of the cloud providers and their servicing approach. The latter usually gets taken care of by system administrators who are in charge of the whole infrastructure monitoring process. What this means is that your cloud-hosted solution will be under close supervision by trained members of staff who can detect system malfunction and harmful patterns needing fixtures.
How do we do infrastructure monitoring?
There are a large number of tools that cloud providers can use to help their administrator teams and IT support perform infrastructure monitoring. Thanks to these instruments, monitoring is performed with the help of data metrics, alarm notifications, and storage of log files associated with your desktop environment (DaaS). The most important thing when it comes to infrastructure monitoring is inspecting every change that occurs in the data centers and how the servers react to keep your data safe and complete.
Why is this practice a must?
In order to have a good cloud management strategy, you need the integration of all these critical tools which keep the server infrastructure operational and highly efficient. This is why doing thorough research on the infrastructure monitoring practices of your prospective cloud provider is a very good start. You would ideally want the most advanced tools and methods in place to keep your data safe and accessible at all times. Down the line, this will improve your user experience and boost your team productivity many-fold.
On another note
Cloud providers that focus on their infrastructure monitoring practices are a real keeper. Only then you can have the peace of mind that your server architecture is properly looked after and all blind spots are removed at the time of their happening. This boosts the performance of managed services and gives companies the confidence that any issues will be quickly resolved without causing a knock-on effect on their desktop service.
Infrastructure monitoring is the only way forward
The only way to achieve full control over your managed cloud solutions is to make sure that your cloud provider is performing infrastructure monitoring as per the highest industry standards. Proactive MSPs like we-IT work round the clock to inspect for issues and resolve them as they happen so that there are no secondary problems and downtime at your end.