Introduction to Azure Virtual Desktop


Cloud-hosted IT services like DaaS (Desktop-as-a-Service) are offered by a large number of providers globally. However, not all of them are promoting a product as good as Microsoft has to offer with their Azure platform. Virtual desktops and applications running in the Azure cloud are known as the standard in the virtualization services outsourced to businesses in many sectors like finance, healthcare, the legal sector, and more.

What makes Azure Virtual Desktop different?


Before Azure Virtual Desktop was officially renamed in June 2021, the advanced cloud product by Microsoft had existed as Windows Virtual Desktop . Despite the formal name change, the quality of deploying virtual desktops on this cloud platform has always been superior in setup and organization. With Azure Virtual Desktop, Microsoft has always been setting the bar high for its competitors, making the cloud an alluring business opportunity for numerous sectors.

What does it do?


Azure Virtual Desktop relies on the Azure public cloud and offers Desktop-as-a-Service to customers that require virtual apps and desktop solutions as a managed service. Some companies like we-IT are formally trained and certified to offer desktop virtualization services working on the principle of the Azure cloud platform. This means that everything including database servers, controllers, host machines, and the entire infrastructure is built according to the same standards. Cloud experts are also trained and certified to deploy the solutions through the platform of Azure and to deliver the needed software resources and operating systems to customers. Generally speaking, Azure offers one of the most advanced directory environments that allow customers to Receive seamless experience on the front end as well as comprehensive support while they are signed up as clients. Azure Virtual Desktop as a product delivers a virtual desktop experience that has some excellent new features for users such as multi-session Windows 10 deployment.

Better security of the Azure Virtual Desktop for businesses


As Microsoft partners, we are responsible for following the latest advancements in Azure platform technology. Our cloud protects client data by sticking to the most rigorous security protocols in the marketplace. There are also additional security layers at user access levels such as multi-factor authentication which enable easy but secure access into the virtual desktop environment. All malicious threats are recognized and stored in our database through continuous monitoring of the platform on the back and front end.

Popular business cases for the Azure Virtual Desktop




In the healthcare sector, sensitive data protection is of utmost importance when working remotely from endpoint devices. The Azure Virtual Desktop is a suitable product for healthcare practitioners since it allows users to have restricted access to the application environments. As we know, all patient data will be safely stored on the cloud servers, rather than the devices themselves.

Legal sector


The amount of sensitive information that legal firms have to process is copious. This is why management of this information remotely needs specific attention and expertise. The Azure Virtual Desktop is the ideal offering for legal companies that need a comprehensive virtualization solution, promising seamless operation, and high-end system security management. A data breach is not likely for Azure customers since they are protected with a multi-layered firewall and advanced access controls blocking unauthorized desktop entries.



The manufacturing sector is different from the abovementioned ones in terms of how cloud services are utilized for employees. Usually, there are only a limited number of people within a manufacturing enterprise that will need access to a virtual desktop station, rather than the whole company. This could increase the productivity of line management and subsequently accelerate the output of production facilities. The Azure Virtual Desktop is a highly performing cloud-based service that allows managers to control the operations of a factory seamlessly from everywhere.

Final words


Azure Virtual Desktop has plenty to offer to businesses across many industries. With its advanced security features and virtualization technology, this product is headlining the managed cloud services space this year and many more to come!