The quality of your networking services is just as important as your applications, desktop environment, and the end-point infrastructure for your home office or remote business. Networking that considers the needs and resources of the business will enable more efficient operations and better use of your existing infrastructure.

If online businesses fail to consider all the factors that affect their secure and efficient operations, they may be left with unwanted surprises, service disruptions, and ultimately, financial loss. Regardless of whether you run some or all of your business applications on the cloud, you will still be dependent on the quality of your networking, hardware, and software supporting your operations end to end. 

Networking services and wireless are often used interchangeably as a short-term for data transmission and telecommunication over a network without wires. These two harness the power of electromagnetic waves to send signals from one endpoint to another so that we can communicate and exchange data no matter the physical distance between the sending and the receiving end.

What is the purpose of wireless networking?


Wireless is a network that doesn’t require cabling to transfer data. It facilitates the connection between different computing devices such as laptops or smartphones and other peripheral devices within the organization. Businesses would normally choose a service provider for their wireless networking and use their connection, which is fixed by them at a specific transmission range. This gives the wireless network specific functionality to transfer data at a different speed, power, and reliability. When you choose a networking provider, you should be mindful of the systems and infrastructure they use to provide you with the wireless networking capabilities you need.

What type of wireless network do you need?


Depending on the nature of your business, the geographical position of your employees, and the connection specifications that you require, there will be one or more wireless networks that meet your criteria. Wireless local area connection (WLAN) is one of the most commonly used wireless technologies and it sets the standard for wireless connectivity everywhere in the world. There are also WPAN technologies that use Bluetooth and WWAN, which reaps the power of cellular technology such as 3G, 4G, and 5G. Based on the needs of the business and its workflow, a networking service provider should be able to tell what is the best solution for price and functionality.

Do I need a cellular 4G/5G network for my business?


Cellular networks facilitate both voice communication and mobile data transmission. Before the arrival of smartphones and touch-screen mobile devices, devices used to be built with specifications only applying to the 2G or 3G networks. Today, devices have more advanced cellular specifications that enable communication both over the internet and the network or a mobile operator. This means that every employee in your enterprise qualifies for this service if they use their mobile devices for work purposes.

What is the difference between 4G and 5G?


Both 4G and 5G are types of wireless cellular networks that allow communication with the use of a given bandwidth. The fourth and fifth-generation wireless networks are the descendants of 2G and 3G networks, with upgraded signal quality and speed of transmission. There are 10 years between establishing the 4G and 5G technology so clearly, there are more advancements and improvements in the latest wireless technology compared to the ones before. 5G provides can give your business bandwidth up to 20GbPs while 4G can reach only up to 100Mbps.

Final words on wireless communication and networking


Most, if not all, businesses and people these days rely on wireless for their operations online. This highlights the dependability of everyone on the quality of their networking services and the capabilities of their provider. Using a reliable and fast wireless connection can improve communication and efficiency between employees, which is critical for any business!


If you require a secure, fast, and reliable networking service for your business, do not hesitate to contact us.


For more information, click here to see our networking services page.